
Fl(a)utist, Composer, Improviser, Artist, Educator

  • "To watch and hear Leanna perform is to enter into an alternate time space continuum where every hair on your body stands at attention.”

    - Shin Yu Pai, poet and museologist, host of podcast "Ten Thousand Things with Shin Yu Pai"

  • "Leanna channels unbelievable grit and authenticity in her pristine flute playing, making the flute sound, somehow, simultaneously like a choir of angels and the mycelium singing on the forest floor.”

    - Kaley Lane Eaton, Composer

  • “When Leanna takes the stage, it is as if she fills the room with the echos of wind.”

    - Shin Yu Pai, poet and museologist, host of podcast "Ten Thousand Things with Shin Yu Pai"

  • “Leanna Keith isn't your average flutist. Sure, she can breathe beautiful, delicate melodies through her instrument—but she can also speak into it, sing, hum, or beatbox through it, clatter its keys, bend its pitches, make its melodies vibrate, flutter, shimmer, and soar."

    - Maggie Malloy, Second Inversion

  • “Keith’s performance across the project, which is bookended by self-composed pieces, demonstrates a sensitivity to the physical, individual body, the body politic, and how breath allows us to permeate and transcend these partitions.”

    - Connie Li, I Care If You Listen
    about “Body of Breath”

New album now available

"body of breath" is a concept album by Leanna Keith of the bass flute as a living, breathing, organism. Backed by live and pre-recorded processed electronics, Leanna creates shifting surrealist soundscapes, utilizing the unique timbre and extended technique possibilities of the bass flute as a solo instrument. Each piece was written with Leanna’s performance in mind, expanding the limited repertoire of the bass flute. The tracks explore identity, storytelling through time, organic processes, and the creation of self through breath.